Friday, April 5, 2019

Natsumi Aizawa (Figure)

Ok finishing up the Natsuiro Kiseki figure tributes, here is a tribute to the lead character of the series Natsumi Aizawa.

One last picture involving the group of these women together
(Various webfinds of the figure and character)

Model Specs
Natsumi Aizawa
Series: Beach Queens
Size: 1/10th scale
Manufacturer: Wave
Material: ABS, PVC

Natsumi is a member of the tennis club. The Natsuiro Kiseki wiki describes her as stubborn but shown to care deeply about her friends. She is neighbors with Saki and the two of them are best friends.

Natsumi look really cute and I like the swimsuit her figure is wearing. In the images of her in regular clothing, I like the sandals that she is depicted wearing. They look really cute and give a really nice view of her feet. 

All right everyone... That's all for now. Have a good weekend and  more to come soon!