Friday, April 26, 2019

Railgun: Last Order (Figures)

Ok this week's figure tribute is another clone of Railgun's Misaka. This one is for the youngest clone of her Last Order. She's named Last Order because she was the final clone of Railgun's heroine. :-) 
Last Order aka Uchidome (Rasuto Ōdā)
This one is from the Beach Queens  series. ^_^
Next up is a special Valentine's day model of Last Order. It comes in a variety of variants. ^_^

I was original going to combine this character with Misaki's other clone for a double sized send in the clones set but the Valentine's day figures encouraged me to give this character a tribute of her own. She is a really cute character. :-)

As mentioned in the other Railgun tributes. ^_^ I really want to see this series. :-)

All right everyone. That's all I have for today. Have a great weekend and as always... more to come soon!



  1. I don't like this girl that much anyway. But I guess it doesn't matter to King.

    1. I still need to watch this anime. The only thing I know about her is that she's a younger clone of Misaki. ^_^

    2. Yes. I still need to watch Index as well though.

  2. Super cute nice post King love this character

  3. Replies
    1. Yes... she's really cute. Nice new avatar Dan. ^_^

    2. Yep. As you can see, that's Haruka. I really wanted to follow the waifu theme just like Custom and Dean.
