Sunday, May 19, 2019

Blue Submarine No. 6: Mei-Ling Huang

A 10-year-old crew member who works with the sonar and communicates with Zorndyke's creatures. She is a child genius and a Sonometer who uses the "Lorenzini System" included on the Blue Fleets Submarines. She is the sole member of Blue 6 who operates this system. She works in conjunction with Katsuma as guides for the crew. She was born and raised in a wealthy family. Her father is French and her mother is Vietnamese. Because she is gifted with extra sensory abilities, she was involved in a project at the Oceania Marine Development center. After the Zorndyke conflict began, Yamada saw her talent and had her join the Blue Fleet. Despite Huang's remarkable skills, she is still quite young and very emotionally frail, often time she's seen clutching her stuffed bear and is very disturbed by all the death that occurs during battle. She dislikes any kind of conflict and feels burdened by her psychic abilities. All in all, this young lady is an otherwise truly mysterious character, and she and several other crew members should have been given better character development. Huang does seem to have a close friendship with the main female protagonist, Mayumi Kino, as she looks up to her like a big sister, and Kino seems genuinely concerned about her well-being.

Official character design

Concept Art

And now, onto her feet...

And finally, a beautiful art image of Huang and Kino barefoot in a life raft spending sisterly time together

If Blue Sub 6 was to ever receive a follow-up, Huang should definitely be a part of it. And she should have major importance to the story, along with Hayami and Kino. See you all next time!


  1. She's really cute. ^_^ Great post Dan.

  2. Not bad. I do wish we could've seen the bottoms, though.

    1. I know, right? This is the best this mini series has to offer. Images and artwork of Huang are very scarce, I was lucky to find what I did. And if Kino had scenes or art other than the raft pic above, I would have done a post for her too.

    2. Yeah, fair enough. In any case, keep up the good work?

    3. I do like her feet but never seen the anime.

    4. You didn't miss much, it's not that thrilling. But Huang and Kino are at least somewhat intriguing characters.

    5. Oh yeah, you're right Mr. Bushido. She doesn't speak, but her actions and experessions say it all. Like Huang, Mutio is also shrouded in mystery.

    6. @Dan: So it's a boring series that not much going on?

    7. @Custom: Yeah, and depressing too. That's why there aren't too many fans. But I still like the ladies. 😁
