Monday, May 20, 2019

Game of Thrones Feet: Gilly

Ok continuing where I left off last night. Here is the second half of the Game of Thrones tributes. ^_^ The next Game of Thrones Woman up is the Wildling Gilly played by the lovely Hannah Murray.
(Various webfinds of Gilly and her actresss. :-D)

Gilly is the daughter of Crastor, one of the Wildlings the Jon Snow and the other Night's Watch rangers encounter in the North. Crastor is a polygamist who marries his own daughters making them into new wives for him when they reach a certain age. Crastor sacrifices any male children that are born from him to the White Walkers (Ice Zombies) which leads Gilly to attempt to escape from him when she believes that she is pregnant with a boy. Jon's Friend Samwell (Sam) Tarly winds up befriending her and he convinces Jon to help sneak her away with the Night's Watch. She eventually becomes involved in a relationship with Sam. The two of them make a really cute couple

I actually think Hannah Murray looks prettier outside of her Gilly costume but the character remains even with her disheveled outfit. Gilly is very cute and sweet. She seems to support Sam in the series giving him inspiration when he needs it. She is the type of woman that you would want to have as a girlfriend ... supportive and loving. 

Ok still some more Game of Thrones post to come!