Saturday, July 1, 2023

Geneshaft (Gene Shaft): Mika Seido and Lieutenant Mir Lotus

Mika is the hotheaded and passionate protagonist of the show.  In the world of Geneshaft people are only seen as the sum of their genetic code.  This goes so much to the extreme that the death of of Mika's best friend was considered no big deal... because she had a twin; and few could understand why Mika was upset about it.  People are also color coded by what their genetics say they are best suited for.  Most people started out as 'white' and grow out of it when their talent manifests; however, for Mika that never happened.  This leads to many to look down on her, however her perseverance and  flexibility manages to earn respect from many.

Mir Lotus has 'perfect genetic code' and is not afraid to let others know it.  She can be quite patronizing especially to Mika.  Her nickname is Ice Queen.


  1. >Mika Seido 003.PNG
    >white girls love dogs.png

    britty gud taste, ma'dude

  2. Ah, good to see you again Paganax. And a copule of great girls you found here.
