Monday, June 10, 2019

Love Hina Foot Special (Episode 25)

This is from the last episode in the anime and it was about Motoko's sister, Tsuruko Aoyama, appearing at the Hinata Inn and was ready to pass on the dojo they practiced in. Unfortunately, Motoko was still not quite as strong as her older sister and when Tsuruko found out about this, she gave Motoko an choice: Motoko must beat her sister to prove herself or marry Keitaro if she fails to defeat her within three days. I found this episode OK but had plenty of foot shots on the two girls so I'm sharing you guys those scenes.



  1. Excellent shots of Motoko and Tsuruko. Motoko should not fear her sister, and Tsuruko shouldn't be so cold and heartless. And technically Custom, this was not the last episode, but it was the last regular length episode. There are 27 episodes, 24 for the regular series, this special episode makes 25, and the technical 26th and 27th episodes are the Christmas movie and Spring movie respectively. That's according to official material.

    1. Thank you for correcting me because I don't know if the specials are OVAs or not.

    2. I feel stupid for someone correcting me.

    3. Don't. Everybody makes mistakes, and it's nothing personal. And it was confusing how this series worked out episode wise.

  2. Replies
    1. Dan knows a lot of this series than me.

    2. It is a great series. Great character songs too.

    3. I didn't like it all that much.

    4. We all have different likes. I'm still glad you do the Naru posts.

    5. Yes, I just finished the Love Hina Again posts on her.
