Saturday, October 3, 2020

The Dirty Pair: Yuri, Part 1 of 3

Yuri is the brains behind Trouble Consultant Team 234.  Her IQ of 158 puts her on par with Stephen Hawkins (although, in Flash it sometimes seems like the one in front might have been a clerical error.).  Yuri is the more feminine of the two, but can definitely hold her own in hand to hand combat.  Like her Partner she loves bonuses, vacations, cute boys, and was born on a small planet in the middle of nowhere.



  1. Yeah, I love both gals, but Yuri is the fave and project eden is the best movie when you want to see these fine ladies run around barefoot. Episode I like to know are the one where she distracts the guard with her leg, and the one where she says "Look feet".

  2. You sure know how to pick em' Paganax! These ladies are awesome!

  3. Always wanted to watch Dirty Pair. ^_^ Great post Paganax.

  4. I like that blue hair gal now in many ways in one, for an old school perspective anime! makes wanna bang like Duke Nukem in the 80s
    saying cool dialogues and shits.
