Friday, August 30, 2019

Ashigei Shoujo Komura-San: Chapter 34 Highlights

Welcome back to Ashigei Shoujo Komura-san, in this chapter, we will get a letter to Komura from an fan who is struggling with her foot abilities.

Calm down, Komura!

Please don't tear that letter, Komura...
Go ahead and use your feet, Komura! We, the fans of Anime Feet (this blog), will be watching you!
No New Foot Abilities shown in this chapter, but there's a hint that someone is a huge fan of Komura's foot acrobatic skills. Let's hope that this will be an teacher-student thing where Komura teaches how to use one's feet for acrobats and everyday life.


  1. I know, it sucks that it doesn't have much story to begin with.

  2. What exactly were you two expecting at its fanservice I don't think it's really posed to be a story to it.

  3. Why not? Is it because it doesn't really need one?

  4. I'm just saying to me it didn't really look like it had much of a story in the beginning

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  6. @Dean It's nice to see I'm not the only person here who gets it.

    This is a fanservice manga for people who like feet. I do not understand why the people here want it to be more than that...

  7. @PsychoReload But do still like it.

  8. I see. I don't know how much longer can this manga will go.

  9. If she wasn't careful with that letter, she might have ended up with a paper cut on her toe.

    1. Yes, I know. I don't know why she can't just use her hands for once.

    2. She'd probably have a higher chance of cutting herself if she used her hands, since she's more adept at using her feet for pretty much everything.

    3. It would be better if she was armless or have an disability.

    4. Uh... no it wouldn't

  10. "Both my heart, and my feet belong to you"

    Something we'd all love to hear a girl say to us IRL. XD

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