Sunday, August 4, 2019

K-on: Azusa Nakano

Azusa is a new student who joins the Light Music Club as a rhythm guitarist. She plays a Fender Mustang MG69/MH/CAR electric guitar which she eventually names Muttan, but is also in possession of a Gibson Les Paul Custom 50th Anniversary Gold Top  She is a self-proclaimed novice guitarist who has been playing the guitar since the fourth grade and whose parents play in a jazz band. She is in the same year and class as Yui's sister, Ui, and has quite a mysterious demeanor. She often finds herself bewildered by the tea parties and cosplaying aspects of the club when she would rather just practice, and is struck by how good the club's music sounds despite their problems and lack of practice. However, she has a certain weakness for cakes and can be calmed down rather easily, sometimes by just being petted. She is more serious than the other girls, and does not like to admit how she really feels; she could be described in part as a tsundere. She is constantly hugged by Yui and is nicknamed Azu-nyan after trying on a pair of cat ears and meowing.


  1. Ok can you upload Yui?? She is my favorite character

  2. Fantastic! If she isn't the last one, I can't wait to see what's to come. Azusa will be a tough act to follow IMO.

  3. Great post. My favorite shot is the 11th from the bottom. ^_^

    1. I can see why. 😁 I really like the one above it.

      @Dean: Is that Tsumugi with Azusa in that one?

    2. Thought so. How did you like that story I sent you?

    3. Yeah, the one I emailed to you.

  4. is there an episode where azusa sits on the shoulders of her friend?

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