Friday, September 6, 2019

Megumi Kato (Figure)

We're not done with Summer yet guys so let's continue to enjoy some swimsuit models.  ^_^ Today's model is a  beautiful girl from the anime Saenai Heroine. ^_^

(Various Webfinds of this character)

Model Specs
Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend Megumi Kato Swimsuit Style
Size: 1/8 Scale (6.7in)
Material: ABS, PVC

This is another character whose anime looks like it would be fun to see. Megumi is described as a cute girl who tends to go unnoticed by her peers. She inspires the main character of her anime Tomoyo to base the lead female character of his dating sim game on her.

The swimsuit Megumi wears is actually seen in her anime. This model does a great job of capturing her in this sexy outfit. ^_^

Ok...That's all for now everyone. As always though. More to come. :-)