Monday, September 16, 2019

Mermaid Forest: Rin

Rin is the older daughter of the chief of the Toba Islanders, but due to his recent illness she has taken over his role of leadership. She is a born leader and tomboy at heart, and will always protect the people of her island. Her daily outings involve her and her crew raiding merchant ships that pass through their waters, not to steal their cargo or harm the sailors, but to collect a "toll" of 10% of their cargo for passing through their territory as she has morals, and they're not thieves. Rin begins searching for the flesh of a mermaid in order to help her father, and meets Yuta. Yuta tells her of the rival clan, the immoral Sakagami Islanders, and their plans to find a mermaid. Rin agrees to help Yuta if he will stay on and help with the work, and Yuta happily agrees. Yuta and Rin fall in love and Yuta agrees to live with her as soon as he becomes mortal again. However it was not to be, and Yuta moves on. Rin will always have a special place in his heart though.

Rin in her red kimono

Rin with her armor


  1. Wow this looks very interesting
    Excellent find Dan.

    1. It's a great series from Rumiko Takahashi. I can answer any questions you have about the series or these images.

    2. When did you find these images? Does Rumiko have a foot fetish?

    3. I own the series. She might, it's obvious in her art. If you're confused about anything that's going on in these images, I can tell you anything you want to know.

    4. It's been a while. Rumiko called it her hobby series. All the stories but one have been animated.

    5. Yasha no Hitomi (Eye of the Demon) aka Mermaid's Gaze. Extremely violent story, ranks right up there with Mermaid's Scar.

    6. OK. Have you read either of those manga?

    7. I actually have it. I should have been more clear, Mermaid's Scar and Eye of the Demon are two stories part of the same manga, Mermaid Saga.

    8. Well, the whole story is hard to explain in a few lines. But this site should tell you everything you'd like to know:

  2. Always a good day to see a cute barefooter tomboy

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