Monday, September 9, 2019

Sailor Moon Sailor Stars: Usagi Tsukino (Part 2)

At long last, the final season of Sailor Moon is here, this time, Serena/Usagi is more barefoot in this season for several episodes in a row. Before I can tell you my thoughts on this season, I have to say that to be perfectly honest that this season was never dubbed in the early 2000s after Toei Animation terminated the license and broadcast rights worldwide from being distributed anywhere outside Japan thus leaving the Nehellenia story arc from SuperS unresolved. This is also my first look at the final season of the anime since I had never heard much of it as an kid and having Viz Media dubbing this season for the first time is a much-needed reason for me to watch this. Also, since this is based on the Stars/Sailor Starlights arc in the manga, I decided to go out with a bang with this one and I for one will do that. This is going to be the second part of Stars on Usagi, These episodes are from 173, and 180-182.

Episode 173

Episode 180

Episode 181

Episode 182


  1. Love this show sailor mercury is still my bae

  2. This is wonderful! And there is definitely more Usagi to come in the 2nd half. Seriously, that was just so unlucky of her to trip on a soda can. That looks like it really hurt, she's lucky she didn't break her leg.

    1. I know, I'm still waiting for the dub of the last 17 episodes to be finished.

    2. Episode 184 is a gem! We'll have to collaborate together on that one, not one scene can be missed.

    3. Don't worry, I really will get to that episode.

  3. People whos main guy here i want talk with him

    1. That would be KingsSideCastle, but he's away right now until at least November. But the other main guy here is Match25. He may be able to help you out.
