Friday, October 18, 2019

Brynhildr in the Darkness: Kazumi Schlierenzauer

Kazumi is a half-Austrian magician who speaks Japanese with a Kansai accent. Her power is hacking computer systems. She has feelings for Ryouta and is willing to seduce him and even go as far as being naked in front of him.


  1. And she knew how to use her feet

  2. Haven't seen this in so long.

    I remember reading the manga, had no idea it got an anime. I think there used to be a post of the manga on here too with that hotspring scene.

  3. Oh yeah I remember these girls. These are some of the best right here.

  4. She sure does utilize her feet a lot. I like that.

  5. Free the titties lol jk she really seem to have a fetish herself
