Friday, January 24, 2020

Custom's Picks: Brandy and Mr. Whiskers

Welcome back to Custom's Picks. In this one will be taking a look at one of my underrated Disney shows on Disney Channel, Brandy & Mr. Whiskers. I did had a crush on Brandy Harrington in the 8th grade because of how cute she was despite being a dog so please don't judge me on certain characters in animation. These are the episodes I remember where her feet are at their best: One of a Kind, Payback, Less than a Hero, and Freaky Tuesday.
One of a Kind


Less than Hero

Freaky Tuesday


  1. FUN FACT: Did you know that the voice actress Kaley Cuoco, who voiced as Brandy Harrington in "Brandy and Mr. Whiskers," was also the voice of Harley Quinn in the new animated series of the same name? Coincidentally, both Brandy and Harley showed their bare feet in separate episodes.

  2. Like when Harley used her feet to get the door open by herself? 😄😂

    1. Yes and another scene where she gets thrown out to the icy cliffs from the train by Joker's minions.

  3. Not my favorite furry girl that would be Minnie Mouse but I like her

  4. No offense in anyway and correct me if I'm wrong,but I've noticed you seem to be a sensitive dude. But I understand, there's criticising and there's also being a complete jerk from others who don't share your taste.

    But no need to worry about that, we've had post on anthropomorphic animals before, it's been awhile though.

    1. Are you talking about me, Chris?

    2. Yeah.
      Also, I used to have a crush on her too as a kid, but I grew out liking talking animals.

    3. I see. Is it wrong to liking non-human characters?

    4. Of course not, we all have our own types of tea. But if it's something hideous like a plant monster or Xenomorph from Aliens,then judgement should be rightfully passed.

    5. I see. I don't like those things and prefer something more human.

  5. I remember an episode called "monkey paw" where there is a nice shot of her soles while she was on a floatie, wouldn't that one be considered "being at her best" as well?

  6. Lacks of Brains vs Braun had great barefoot scenes as she was looking for Whiskers.
