Thursday, March 26, 2020

Boruto (OVA): Himawari Uzumaki

She's Naruto and Hinata's daughter and Boruto's little sister, she is kindhearted and helpful to her mother, Hinata, but can be an monster if her Byakugan awakens. This OVA from the movie is about Naruto becoming the Seventh Hokage after Kakashi stepped down as the Sixth, but he ended up running late for the ceremony because of both Boruto and Himawari were arguing on that day when Himawari wanted to bring her panda toy to the ceremony, but Boruto, fearing that he would end up carrying it throughout the day, tried to take it away from her because he believed it would make her childish. When the toy's head was ripped off in the ensuing tug-of-war, Himawari awoke her Byakugan and attacked Boruto in her anger, despite his vehement apologies. Tried to calm his daughter down, Naruto arrived and shielded Boruto from Himawari, though he was knocked out in the process by her attack that close off his chakra points.