Monday, November 16, 2020

Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater: Makoto Oono

Oono is a big girl in various ways, but talks in a small voice. She is a shy girl that blushes a lot and sometimes just keep silent, but is fast to act when it comes to fishing or cooking. She is very knowledgeable about fish and seafood, as her family owns a fish market. Being the most physically able member of the club, she mans the Kaioumaru and handles the equipment. Although she loves being near the sea for fishing, she is afraid of the water as she can't swim.
She is "the reliable man of the house" within the club but Kuroiwa says she is a perfect "wife in making" and popular with the boys, as she is serious, reliable, intelligent, well behaved, good at cooking, beautiful and well endowed.
Full anime 


  1. She's almost like a somewhat mysterious character.

    1. The glasses that block her eyes, and her quietness. Maybe also like a dark horse when it comes to fishing skill.

  2. N3RO: when is the next megapost of your EQG Summer Bash?

  3. Ah, so she's like Raimu Kawasaki from Bakuon!!. But with a face.
