Thursday, November 12, 2020

Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater: Yuuki Kuroiwa

Kuroiwa acts like the "old fox" type character, sometimes manipulating the other club members to get things done. She also acts like an old man that prefers to take things easy in contrast to the younger members enthusiasm. Although Kuroiwa looks like a slacker or lazy person, she still does her job as the club's president properly, organizing club activities for the younger members and teaching them about fishing, although she appears to be half trolling them sometimes like an old man that let's the kids makes mistakes first then teach where they messed up. She doesn't look to care too much about looks or fashion and talks with a heavy local accent again, like an old man.
Full anime 



  1. Nice feet. Is she always barefooted or in flip flops?

    1. Well only at the club house. She wears shoes to school.

    2. richfeet
      That's true but you see her barefoot and wearing sandals more

  2. Lazy redneck. She's so Shifty in that she gets everyone else to do the work for her. She still has good looking feet. Can't wait to see the rest Dean. Especially the main character, and I'm assuming she's last.

    1. Maybe not, but she talks like one. And those Shifty eyes make her look like she's up to no good. I know that's not true, she just looks that way. And I'm aware she's one of the four main characters, I just look forward to the cute girl.

    2. She is. But the lead heroine is cuter. I think she was pressured into joining this club, but in the end it looks like she grew to like it.

    3. Dan doesn't like older girls. Pity...

    4. Not true Rich. I do really like Minamo Kurosawa, Mayuko Chigasaki, and Shoko Suzuhara. They're all in their 20s I believe except for Mayuko who's 18 or 19.
