Thursday, April 16, 2020

Girl's last tour: Yuuri

Carries a rifle. Likes to eat. Unlike Chito, Yuuri is illiterate. She can't read and has trouble with spelling when she tries to write, often prone to misspelling words.
In contrast with Chito's survival-oriented temperament, Yuuri displays a more laid-back, almost carefree attitude. Though possessing a generally poor memory, Yuuri is able to recall facts with relative ease when related to food.


  1. Also nice. I bet these girls are older than they look to be.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Could've sworn i saw this post already with the exact same pictures. Why are you guys doing the same posts. Here's an idea,maybe get together,talk and come to an agreement about who does what posts, maybe set a schedule. I don't get why u guys don't like each other.

    1. It's complicated Reggie. Believe me, I want nothing more than peace and Harmony throughout the blog. The behind-the-scenes complications are too personal to discuss. Let's just leave it at that. We all appreciate the comments.

    2. I'm with you, Dan. I swear that I kept seeing the same posts but done by someone else lately on Tower of God and this one.

    3. You're not hallucinating it. Just think of it as two different reviews for the same movie.
