Thursday, April 16, 2020

Slayers: Sylphiel Nels Lahda

My next Slayers tribute is to the sweet and kindhearted white mage, Sylphiel. To see her bio and GIF images, check out a previous post of her from GumballW by clicking here. More to come from Slayers this week.


  1. Dan, you rock! Your shoe removal in this post and my sock removal post on Ragnastrike Angels should make you very happy as well as daydreams on these kind of foot scenes.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks. And she did it all to save Lina's life.

    2. Wow, she must be one of the good guys.

    3. Absolutely. She's such a good person. Just like Amelia, except Sylphiel can be too nice, and is very meek when yelled at or confronted. Amelia on the other hand is much more capable of defending herself in the same situation, and she'll even joke or tease from time to time.

    4. So you prefer Amelia over Sylphiel in terms of personality?

    5. They both have great personalities. But I prefer Amelia because she's one of the leads for most of the series, and she's more competant and formidible at casting offensive magic. Her unwavering sense of justice also makes her a great role model.

    6. So you would hang out with Amelia?

    7. Oh yeah. And Sylphiel, Lina, Gourry, and Zelgadis. Just as long as I get a promise that I won't be blown up. But if I'm close to Amelia or Sylphiel, they can cast a protection barrier. As long as Lina doesn't get angry about anything, it should be a great day.

    8. I bet you would have a long day with them. Can you use your own magic to protect yourself?

    9. I just don't see myself as the type using Magic.

    10. What type of person are you in fantasy setting rather than your real self?

    11. Probably more of a tactician.

  3. Dan, are you OK with girls wearing toeless socks like this one?

    1. I'm perfectly fine with it. But I really don't know what the point of them is. May as well not wear any at all.

    2. Like the girls wear their shoes barefooted and nothing more?

    3. I would love to see their feet being remove from footwear.

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