Wednesday, May 6, 2020

009-1: Mylene Hoffman

Also known as "009-1", an secret agent who works with Zero as part of the all-female Nine Number Group, one of the ten groups in the Zero Zero Organization, a Western Bloc intelligence organization. She is half cyborg with her entire body has been almost mechanized, and parts of her body are equipped with special functions which are necessary for spy activity. Besides her standard weapon, the WA-P009 which a ray/plasma gun, she also wears earring communicators, boots with a hidden needle gun, and other special gear to help her on difficult missions. Her parents died from an previous war between the Eastern and Western Bloc along with her brother, Paul's disappearance and was taken in by an spy from the Western Bloc and grew up to be an spy. These are from Episodes 1, 8 and 9.