Monday, May 4, 2020

Library wars: Asako Shibasaki

Asako Shibasaki is in the Library Task Force and is initially ranked Librarian First Class, but is later promoted to Chief Librarian. She works on the inside as an informant in military intelligence, and is very good at gathering information. She is Kasahara's roommate, and after Kasahara joins the task force, Shibasaki helps her study the catalogs in the base's library through a form of negative reinforcement involving giving her candy when she gave the wrong answers which leads her to break out in pimples.

Shibasaki is really sharp and brilliant; she's aware of facts most people aren't aware of.


  1. I love libraries, I think they're such wonderful places. I don't know about war and combat though. This almost sounds a little reminiscent of Read or Die, and Yomiko "The Paper" Readman. This girl looks lovely nonetheless.

    1. What? You don't know much of warfare? Do you like quiet places like libraries?

    2. No, you misunderstood. I don't care for the subject of warfare, I know some things about it. And yeah, libraries are great. Everybody should learn how to read.

    3. Sorry for misunderstanding what you were talking about. Do you love reading books?

    4. Well, I just really love what libraries have to offer.

    5. What books do you usually read?

    6. Classics, hopefully with pictures.

    7. What classics? Why pictured books?

    8. I really like pictures. Treasure Island and A Tree Grows in Brooklyn are good examples. But my absolute favorite are the books written and illustrated by Dr. Seuss.

    9. I know some of those books you mentioned as an kid. Maybe because you like to see what's happening in the stories like in manga, right?

    10. I'm no different from you. Because they're like comic books.
