Tuesday, August 11, 2020

All-New Wolverine: Laura Kinney

Hey, I'm still alive. Got a few posts ready I'll be uploading over the next few days. Anyway, here's a collection of snippets from Laura's tenure as the Wolverine, since Logan was dead at the time. He's all better now (comic books amirite) and both of them share the Wolverine name. Some of these have been capped before but I don't believe they were as high res. Hope you enjoy!

This story is set in a potential future where Laura is much older and her sister Gabby is the new Wolverine.


  1. AC! I'm so thrilled that you're still around! You picked a good character with Laura here. Her feet are well detailed. Does she have a mutant name? Or is she just like female Wolverine?

    1. Thanks :) The name she had for the longest time was X-23, being the 23rd attempt by this evil organization to create a clone of Wolverine. She's basically Logan's daughter. When he died she took up the Wolverine name to honor him. Even now that Logan's back, they both share the title.

    2. Maybe in the future, they should consider the names Wolverina, or Wolveriness. LOL!

  2. Replies
    1. Been dealing with my job and general unpleasant life stuff. I still check the blog now and then, just haven't felt like commenting most of the time.

  3. This is x-23 right?
    I didn't know she had an actual name

    1. Oh yeah, her name's always been Laura.

    2. She was named Laura by her "mother" Sarah Kinney, the scientist who engineered her embryo and gave birth to her.
