Tuesday, August 18, 2020

X-Men: Jean Grey (Megapost)

 One of the founding members of the X-Men. Host of the Phoenix Force. Potentially the most powerful psychic mutant alive. Jean Grey's had a lot of wild adventures over the years, and I've done my best to scour them and find all the times she's been barefoot. Hope you enjoy. 

Recently there was a long storyline involving the original teenage X-Men being brought through time and stuck in the present day, so we had Teen Jean running around for awhile.

That's all I got. If you know of any other comics that happen to feature an unshod Jean, feel free to recommend them to me and I'll see if I can cap them too. :)


  1. That's a lot of Jean right there. It's just amazing how much she has. I always wonder why she wasn't given a cool mutant name?

    1. Her original codename was Marvel Girl. But she's most well known as Phoenix. Since then nobody's really bothered. XD

    2. Yeah I'm glad they didn't stick with Marvel Girl, it don't make much sense. Phoenix doesn't really sound appropriate either, as I'd associate a name like that with powers involving fire. Although she may have had them at one time. Jean should have had a mutant name related to telepathy, telekinesis, or psychic powers. The only fire-related mutant I remember was Magma, AKA Amara Aquilla.

    3. There's been a couple. Magma, Sunspot, Sunfire, Pyro, and Fever Pitch are the ones who come to mind.

    4. Ah yes. You know the comics way better than me. I only saw it on television a couple times. Another non X-Men comes to mind, Johnny Storm AKA The Human Torch. And then there's GumballW's favorite girl, Starfire, although she's not a mutant.

  2. Hot damn this is truly a collage...wish jubilee had this much but eh, that's life

    1. Ah Jubilee, and her yellow coat. She's like the party girl of the X-Men with her little firework powers. She's not given enough appreciation, she really got the shaft both in the movies, and X-Men Evolution. Kitty Pryde comes pretty close in terms of personality and loving to party.

    2. There isn't a whole lot of Jubilee, unfortunately. I do remember shortly after she was turned into a vampire, she was being isolated in basically hospital clothes, and she was barefoot there.

    3. Jubilee and vampire powers. It just doesn't feel right to me.

    4. One of the weirder moments to be sure. XD

    5. @Keychan: What?! She ain't dead! Jubilee is doing fine and better than ever. I didn't even know this, but recently she got rid of her vampire powers, and reclaimed her original mutant powers. That's just so wonderful.

    6. Oh i knew that😅
      I ment rip to any GOOD foot pics of her 😭

    7. Yeah, Jubilee's doing great. She's on the current Excalibur team and has an adorable baby who turns into a dragon :D

    8. @Keychan: I hear you there.

      @AC: That's fabulous and priceless at the same time.

  3. Please what is Name Comics Volumes & Issues?

    1. Way, waaay too many issues to remember each individual one, unfortunately. That "Phoenix Rising" collects the issues with Jean in the torn black dress at the top. The ones with Teen Jean come from All-New X-Men 2013, X-Men: Blue, and the Jean Grey series. The ones with the torn brown dress are from Uncanny X-Men: First Class.

  4. So hot!! Jean Grey is one of my faves. Great collection Atomic Chinchilla. :-)
