Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Best Foot Poll from Nostalgic Anime

Which of these series do you think have the most amount of foot scenes on the female characters during your childhood and why?


  1. Shame Misty rarely ditched her red sneakers

  2. Uhh.. Only shows I can go that far back on are The Little Bits and Speed Racer.

    1. Those two even they're not on this poll?

    2. Was already in my teens when most these shows aired and barely watched any of them.
      So all I can go on is some lame beach episode with Lillabit, mainstream anime wasn't really a thing yet, unfortunately.

    3. So none of these interest you?

    4. Just that, as a small lad, anime was very few and far between, if none at all.
      But to honest, the irony is that I really couldn't stand any of these shows when they first aired during my teens, namely Digimon (since I just wrote it off as cheap Pokemon knock-off). When it actually wasn't until more recent, that I finally got around to seeing most these shows and really kinda digging Digimon, I'd say even more than Pokemon, wew. Guess certain things you don't appreciate until you're much older.

    5. So this is a pointless poll to you?

  3. If Misty is the Tomboyish Mermaid, how come she wasn't barefoot all the time ? Or even wearing sandals ?

  4. For me, it was a combo of Pokemon and Digimon.

  5. My favorite was Yugioh due to a great Tea scene where she was soaking her feet in the water. Pokemon was my second favorite though. :-)
