Monday, September 7, 2020

On Reposting (Update)

I'm proposing that we set new guidelines with reposts to make it fair: (The 4th & 5th rules are highlighted because these are new rule I thought of because I didn't take it into account the last time.

1. If a character is posted that day it cannot be reposted that day (Example: If someone posts a character on Monday September 7th 2020 they cannot repost the said character on Monday September 7th 2020)

2. I would say the best time to do a repost of a character would be a week after the original post was posted but seeing how some might be impatient maybe 3 days after.

3. If a repost is posted it must have a link to the original and you must mention the original poster

4. If you post 2 characters in 1 post of characters who had already had posts that counts as a repost, and if both characters have enough images to be 2 separate posts they have to be separate posts and not shoved into 1 post.

5. If you post a character from a specific episode and not use images from past episodes that will NOT be considered a repost


  1. Those are good points, oh and by the way GumballW have you've watched Glitch Techs?

  2. I get the fourth rule since I rather not throw in too many at once like all of the foot shots and gifs from one long series like Fairy Tail and separate each post, label them and explain where each foot shot is from.

  3. Gumball ... Just to clarify since I see Custom is already confused. I'm not that strict on posting and reposting characters. If you want to list out proposed guidelines that's fine and I think the first 3 are good suggestions for organizing your reposts posts but none of these are actual rules.
