Monday, September 14, 2020

One Piece: Nami vs. Miss Doublefinger (Part 1)

This is going to be a double foot post on this battle where Nami faces off against Miss Doublefinger while trying to figure out how to use her new weapon, the Clima Takt or the Climate Baton, given to her by Usopp. This is from Episode 117.


  1. So much emphasis on the feet in One Piece. Ranks right up there with Naruto. It's a good thing of course.

    1. I was supposed to post this earlier today but didn't know when will be a good time to do so. Since both One Piece and Naruto got a buffet or collection of feet from girls, it would be heaven to foot fans especially on Fairy Tail.

  2. Replies
    1. I wanted to add in gifs but I didn't want to overload this post.
