Saturday, September 26, 2020

Persepolis: Marjane 'Marji' Satrapi

'Persepolis' is a 2007 animated biographical drama film based upon the Marjane Satrapi autobiographical graphic novel of the same name. It was written and directed by Satrapi in collaboration with Vincent Paronnaud. The story follows a young girl as she comes of age against the backdrop of the Iranian Revolution.


  1. Fun to see her toes bursting out of her shoes like that. ^_^

  2. SHE'S TRANSFORMING INTO THE INCREDIBLE HULK! Just kidding. You don't expect to see much like this in a French Iranian production.

  3. Oh. Well I certainly didn't expect that movie to be covered in this site. I remember in middle school (can't remember which one it was and what year it was) when our literature teacher made us watch it. It was pretty nice.
