Friday, October 2, 2020

New Halloween Poll (Poll of the Month 86)

Some new sets of polls for the new Fall Feet Season. ^_^  In earlier polls we've done Witches, Female Demon, Catgirls, and Vampire Women... this month it is the Werewolves turn to shine. ^_^
We've seen a lot a attractive female wolf characters in anime. If given the choice a female wolf decided to mark her territory rubbing her feet in your face. Which wolf would you prefer? As always voting is  anonymous and you don't need a blogger so anyone that wants to can participate. It should be pretty interesting to see which characters you like. :-)

It is going to be a very exciting month. I'll try and do some Halloween themed one and a lot of cool new anime shows are starting up. On that note more to come soon. :-)

Until next time!


  1. It's been a while since you updated the Poll of the Month section, King. It's nice to see its return.

  2. Gotta represent Best Girl Wolfsbane ^_^
