Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Your Favorite Foot Post of the Year

To wrap up this year, I decided to do this FPOTY (Foot Post of the Year), here, you will choose only one post that came out this year and explain why you chosen that. For example, I choose Miyo Sasaki from the movie, A Whisker Away, because her feet is such a beauty to hold and the fact, she doesn't like to wear socks at all with her shoes even during school is a fact, she is a barefooter like Mavis Vermillion from Fairy Tail.


  1. In that case, might as well do a post of that myself!
    Got a couple of pairs of feet in mind! XD

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, I'd misspelled her name so cut me some slack.

  3. Me: Hey, Miyo, can I please wash your feet? I have a cleaning set ready.

  4. Cute, but if she wears shoes, she's not a real barefooter. For me, I think Eri might be foot princess of the year.

    1. Who's Eri? Would you discard shoes from everyone to the point that true barefooters never wear them in their lives?

    2. From My Hero Academia. And I would want all the cute girls of the world to never wear shoes.

    3. Oh, her, never mind. You got any favorite posts of this year?

    4. Yeah i did Eri from my Hero academia but she starts wearing socks and shoes when they save her so Layne i don't know if she count.

    5. So in order to truly be a barefooter, one must not wear socks and shoes for the rest of her life?

    6. That would not be easy if you can't avoid the hazards of the ground like needles and rocks.

    7. What about Morgiana she never wears shoes or socks or sandals.

    8. Well, for her, it's more natural and not fragile like the more powerful her feet are, the stronger they will be in rough grounds.

    9. Yes, I am aware that Eri is not a barefooter anymore, but I still loved seeing her feet the most. And yes, a permanent barefooter must have never worn any shoes in her life.

    10. Layne: To me, even though there are permanent barefooters in anime, I don't know if they are good for your tastes.

    11. I dunno, I think they might be.

    12. Layne: You might not get much on dirty feet.

    13. I know that since they almost never draw them.

    14. Layne: Is that irritating to you?

  5. Replies
    1. That is up to you for only the posts that were released this year only.

    2. Well, I think I go with Moroha's footshot in the first episode of Yashahime. That was a lovely detail foot.

    3. I see. She has taken by her father being barefooted.

    4. Yeah, she inherited that character trait, but she rocks it.

  6. O.O Wow... I don't even know where to begin choosing. There were so many awesome posts this year.
