Thursday, February 4, 2021

Fairy Tail: Ultear Milkovich

She's the daughter of Ur and a former member of the Magic Council. She was also a former member of Grimoire Heart, where she was the leader of the Seven Kin of Purgatory. After Grimoire Heart's defeat, she remained independent from the outside world. She is manipulative, ruthless and ambitious. She also regards her mother with cold attitude, classifying her as weak. She is rather calm and considerate when it comes to Meredy, whom she is very close with. She got lost magic called the Arc of Time which allows her to manipulate the "time" of organic and inorganic, but non-sentient, objects, "moving" them either back or forward in time and thus changing their condition. This is from Episode 116.


  1. Looks like she had a rough childhood.

    1. Well, she did. Even though she's an enemy.

    2. Just like Altena from Noir. Her parents were killed, and she grew up homeless and in poverty. She also got raped as a child. As a result, she has this warped belief that if love can kill someone, surely hatred can save them.

  2. Feel sorry for her feet to be in the cold like that.
