Monday, March 29, 2021

Clamp School Detectives: Utako Ohkawa

Utako is the kindergarten division student council president at Clamp School. She is also the love interest and girlfriend of major character and elementary division student council treasurer, Akira Ijyuin. Utako is a confident and generous girl, who's not afraid to speak her mind. She loves assisting and accompanying the Clamp School Detectives on their missions. I hope she brings a smile to all your faces. These images are from episodes 12, 13, and 16.

This image is from the opening

Bonus: The following images also include Utako's best friend, Nagisa Azuya. A shy girl who is an excellent flute player and love interest and girlfriend of major character and elementary division student council secretary, Suoh Takamura. Like Utako, Nagisa also enjoys helping out the Clamp School Detectives.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Dean. This was a very wholesome series.

  2. How cute these girls are, Dan. Great job.

    1. I thought you'd think so. Either of them remind you of anyone you've seen before?

    2. I don't know maybe because I can't think of one. At least, Utako got some cute pretty feet and shoes.

    3. Of course she does. I think she looks like Hotaru. And I think Nagisa looks like Ruri from Nadesico.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Both of them are very adorable girls with adorable feet! Needless to say, I have two new favorites to my ever growing compendium.

  5. Very cute. ^_^ Clamp school detectives seems like an interesting series. I wonder if there is a Detective Conan feel to it.

    1. Conan is a little more serious IMO. This is much more relaxed, with their cases focusing on helping damsels in distress. Including Miyuki, from Miyuki Chan in Wonderland. Nokoru the president, can sense a female needing help a mile away. What can I say, he'll do whatever it takes to help a girl regardless of how old they are, even dressing up like one. 😅
