Monday, March 15, 2021

RWBY: Penny Polendina (Season 8 Episode 12)

Penny is an android created by her father, Pietro Polendina, with the aid of the Atlas Military and James Ironwood. Designed to be the first synthetic person capable of generating an Aura. Her abilities were to be presented on an international stage at the 40th Vytal Festival in Vale. I have no idea what happened here I guess they turn her human I guess, I don’t know I’ve never watched the show.


  1. Did you just skim through the episode since you know nothing about what's going on?

    1. Yes because I’ve never watched the show before, that’s what I do with most animes, and even though I’ve never seen this anime before I still didn’t like the idea of Yang being disarmed.

    2. I don't know if you can call this an anime despite the tone and the way it is being treated.

    3. Nope. Anime is by definition a Japanese made show for a Japanese audience in japan

  2. They were posted here years ago, use the search.

  3. I stopped watching this series after the fifth volume.

  4. No they weren't. Only rwby was a like 2 images of yang

  5. This show stopped being good after season 3.

    1. Did you dropped this series after that?

    2. Should have died right along with Monty, tbh. You're literally watching a desecrated corpse at this point.

    3. Benny: Like you're watching an franchise zombie?

    4. Did the animation suffer after Monty's passing?

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Yes. The animation got worse.

      But you can’t blame rooster teeth for continuing the series cause it’s their only property that makes bank.

      And Monty’s animation style is too unique to replicate.

      But, the writing is shit.

  6. Reggie: Maybe the show doesn't have many foot scenes on girls.

  7. >And Monty’s animation style is too unique to replicate
    Reminder, Monty Oum was murdered by gross negligence over a stupid fucking cat.

    1. Wait a second Benny, it says he died of an allergic reaction after he fell into a coma.

    2. Wait I thought he had an allergic reaction to food? Wtf? I'm very confused

    3. Ironically, it was actually the adverse reaction he had to the "cat allergy shots" , a form of exposure therapy using cat dandruff he took routinely to get rid of his allergies, that sent him in the coma. Whats more messed up was Gofundme set up during his coma, that was never updated or closed even after his death, after making over $250,000 with the widow subsequently disappearing from the country to go vacationing overseas.

    4. I didn't know that Monty Oum passed away. That's very sad. :-(

    5. Dude hasn't been living for 6 years now...

    6. I haven't been closing RWBY news. I recognized his name from when he was doing the Dead Fantasy series which was over 10 years back.

  8. Yes, his green card wife, at the time, brought home some filthy stray cat which was what triggered him having a severe allergic reaction in the first place. And her, knowing full well that he was allergic, didn't care well enough to get rid of it, but even still, he just chose to put up with it. It was also reported that he suffered being scratched all over from it's dirty claws causing infection, which worsened his condition. Why he felt his short-lived relationship was worth dying over know one will ever know.

    1. Cause "OMG sooo cute"? Who knows, probably BPD.
      Nothing against cats personally but it reminded me too much of that movie "Love Stinks" with French Stewart, where the wife adopts a bunch of recuse cat as some vindictive tit for tat, knowing her husband had allergies. It'd be a shame if some innocent creature was callously used as just a devise to fulfill some petty grudge match. Still, it's no wonder where most the love in Monty's relationship went, seen similar shit happen a lot to people I know.

    2. Dang, she gotta live with killing her husband

  9. Replies
    1. These pics kinda only confirms she has feet. Cause these shots are so far that I wouldn’t even care if they existed.

  10. Reggie: Maybe this is not an good series to you.
