Friday, April 16, 2021

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Lisa Lisa

She's the wife of George Joestar II and the mother of Joseph Joestar. She is also a Ripple master and mentor to Caesar Zeppeli and Joseph Joestar who trained them to master their Hamon. Living in Venice, with an initially unknown past, she led the Ripple Users' efforts in battling the Pillar Men. She goes by Lisa Lisa instead of her real name, Elizabeth Joestar, due to how she murdered her husband's killer (a zombie servant of Dio that survived the events of the Phantom Blood) and burned him to ash. In order to avoid retaliation and legal repercussions for having been caught in the act of murder, the Speedwagon Foundation helped her to erase all evidence of her existence after she left England without her newborn son. She is both dignified and courageous, facing the Pillar Men without fear, and confidently confronted any challenge she encounters, especially in regards to fighting someone. This is from Episode 18.


  1. Very nice. What were her parents thinking when they gave her a double name? Who's her sister, Kelly Kelly from WWE? 😆

    1. To avoid retaliation and legal repercussions for having been caught in the act of murder after killing her husband's killer since her father was already dead after he saved her from Dio Brando's attack on the cruise ship, which cost him his life leaving her and her mother the only ones who survived the attack. She was later got adopted by the Ripple user, Straizo and learned the art of Ripple from him. She called herself Lisa Lisa in order to avoid her true identity after the zombie attack took her husband's life.

    2. Yeah, she is pretty cool at times.

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  3. *Spoiler Alert*

    I wish we could've saw Joseph's reaction when he found out she was his mother. That would've been hilarious.

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