Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Guilty Gear: Ramlethal Valentine 2

Check out actionpacked247 Old Post (2015) & My Post of Her From 2020.


  1. Planning on posting the giant kankers feet from once upon an Ed? I think they are worth posting because they are well detailed.

    1. Okay, well I hope they will be be posted soon. They’re guava gif feet are hard to ignore

  2. Are you an fan of Guilty Gear, GumballW? I thought you might check out Strive.

  3. Oh, funny that this character just popped up now, with the little bit of drama that went over her recently.

  4. I don’t really see how that’s a political reason she stepped down because she didn’t feel right that her a white person to play a black character. Personally I didn’t know she was black I thought it was the kind of tan Japanese skin color with characters like Nagatoro. Granted it’s not like America has any issue with whitewashing characters before but I respect her decision.

  5. Yeah, well I'm black and I don't give a shit. I even liked her stupid voice in Neptunia, then I found out she actually went and bailed on that role too. What, because she had "Black" in her name?

  6. @Benny: Wait, you're an black person like me?

  7. Benny that sucks, I didn't think that whole Cleveland Brown,Big Mouth, and Simpsons situation would get any worse. So glad Star Wars came out when it did, otherwise we might never would've heard J.E.J voice Darth Vader today.

    Seriously, we've had white people voice black people and white people voice black people for years on numerous shows,movies, and games,I don't why they make such a big deal about it now.

  8. Yeah I agree, everything has to politically correct nowadays, very hypocritical though because pretty much every character in an anime is Japanese and they are all voiced by white and black Americans in dubs.

  9. Yeah I agree, everything has to politically correct nowadays, very hypocritical though because pretty much every character in an anime is Japanese and they are all voiced by white and black Americans in dubs.

    1. OK everyone can we please keep the political shit out of this blog please. This issue isn’t even political we come here to admire Feminine feet not for Overly sensitive PC police Liberals and culture war snowflake Conservatives to talk shit to each other OK this is not Twitter.

    2. Yeah, you're right, I went sperglord and made a mess and why twitter is a dumpster fire.

      But Ramlethal is a genetic clone of Aria so her complexion and white hair is more like some defect from artificial birthing.

  10. Lots of great detail put into the animation.

    1. Well, the fighting game itself is like that.

  11. When you sign a contract to voice a character, it can easily grow into a life long commitment depending on how many reoccurring installments turn up as you're practically marrying yourself to that role. To piss it all away just to make a statement no one will remember you for, other than for your own roles, is a waste of your talent and certainly doesn't do your characters, along with their fans, any justice. So she should've felt honored. If anything, I should probably find it more offensive she feels she needs only to voice roles that better match the tone of her skin and hand it over to someone with the corresponding tone since, apparently, she must not have felt very comfortable with that job, but whatever. I guess now that she's made her mark on the industry, she has the opportunity to utilize her celebrity into a platform to appeal to any cause out there (not really but now that the Overton window is open) and to kindly offer up her workload in case she feels any of her other characters aren't being rightfully represented.

  12. Oh, Erin Fitzgerald passed on voicing her because of race issues? Huh. I thought it was because she doesn't do non-union work anymore, with Chie Satonaka being the one exception.
