Friday, May 7, 2021

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Malèna (Part 2)

This second part is from Episode 33 of Stardust Crusaders where she woke up after returning back to normal once Stehan's abilities has been reversed after Alessi's defeat. She was went to search for the child who left his earring behind and saw Polnareff (the same guy who had lost his earring), whom she did not recognize. She asked him if he saw the boy. Instead of using the opportunity to flirt with her as he had done with other women in the past, Polnareff instead denied seeing the boy, showing that he was not just a womanizer, and that her kindness towards him, an unknown person, caused him to really care for her.


  1. Replies
    1. Are you talking about her detailed feet or just her body?

    2. Do you mistaken them as black women feet just because their skin color?

    3. Story takes place in Cairo so she's likely Mediterranean.
      What's wrong with black women's feet?

    4. Ye, well they travel from Japan to Egypt to find Dio so really more of a world tour. They had to censer the part where Dio reads from the Koran, for the anime.
