Saturday, July 24, 2021

.hack Foot Festival

It's time to take this Foot Festival to the World in .hack. This is one video game franchise that argued started to the whole "Trapped in an video game" genre and I heard plenty of things about it being like Sword Art Online due to their similarities. Female feet here can be good.


  1. Black Rose is hot!! I watched Legend of the Twilight Gauntlet. In the series... one of the characters ultimate wish/goal is to get the lead female character's socks. Maybe he had a foot fetish.

  2. >started to the whole "Trapped in an video game" genre
    Kawahara also argues that he actually came out with the concept beforehand, when he created the original webnovel of SAO first, around 2001, before Bandai/CC2 released the very first installment for the .hack franchise.
    Though some may say that's just him being petty, then again there's always been quite a bit of petty fan-tribalism from both camps, as far as I can tell.
