Friday, July 2, 2021

Sailor Moon Eternal: Rei Hino

Here's Rei in the first part of the Eternal movie. She asked herself about her dream to run the shrine in her grandfather's place. When the Dead Moon Circus opened, she entered a Mirror House where a mirror displayed a younger version of her marrying Tiger Eye which caused her to unable to transform and started to forget things before the Lemures give her a nightmare, while the Amazoness Quartet perform and have more Lemures drain energy for Zirconia to "revive" Nehelenia, with CereCere kicking out Luna, Artemis, and Diana. She finally snapped out of it when the crows, Phobos and Deimos attacked Tiger Eye, forcing him to retreat inside the mirrors, and awoken and realized Tiger Eye's trick with help from Phobos and Deimos in human form.


  1. Uh-huh. This girl is on fire!

    1. 🎶 Burn Baby Burn, Sailor Inferno! Burn Baby Burn, Burn those feet down, Burn Baby Burn, I say Sailor Inferno, Burn Baby Burn, Burn those feet down, Burning! 🎶

    2. 🎶 C'mon Baby Light my fire c'mon c'mon... c'mon baby light my fire c'mon c'mon. C'mon baby like my fire!!🎶

    3. KingsSideCastle: What kind of song is that?

    4. I think it was a song by The Doors.

  2. Great post. Sailor Mars is my favorite senshi so its awesome to see her here. ^_^

  3. I don’t like how bland they made Rei in this reboot.
