Thursday, August 12, 2021

What If...?: Peggy Carter

During World War II, Steve Rogers is chosen to be the world's first super soldier, using the Super Soldier Serum developed by Dr. Abraham Erskine. As inventor Howard Stark prepares to put Rogers through the procedure, a spy from Hydra—a Nazi science division—attacks the lab, kills Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR) leader Chester Phillips, and almost kills Rogers. Peggy Carter kills the spy and, with limited time to complete the procedure, volunteers to take the serum instead.


  1. Oh, goodie... another strong, independent woman in Disney's tumblr collection... at least her feet are okay.

  2. What is this Marvel series about?

    1. Following the creation of the multiverse in Loki's first season finale, What If...? explores the various alternate timelines of the multiverse in which major moments from the Marvel Cinematic Universe films occur differently.

    2. I see. So it's like different versions with different personalities of the same characters throughout the Marvel universe?

  3. Pretty good episode till the squid.

  4. Replies
    1. I had never got around with this series because of my lack of knowledge on Loki in general.

  5. She's stronk, I get it, but can she return-fire bullets just by flexing her thicc, glossy buttcheeks and can you grate cheese off those diamond-hard abs of hers? That's what really matters.
