Sunday, September 12, 2021

Wrestling: Love Live!: Ruby Kurosawa Vs Hanayo Koizumi, Part 1 of 3

 We have another 'Love Live!' barefoot wrestling match from ひのま over on Pixiv.  This one features Ruby Kurosawa facing off against Hanayo Koizumi in an excellent fight.  Ruby is undefeated so far, will she continue her winning ways?


  1. Good likenesses. But that was not very nice of Hanayo to kick Ruby out of the ring and into the chairs. Very unprofessional.

    1. Which is the whole point of being the heel. Had she actually gone full Randy Orton, she would've taken those chairs to put her head in a Con-Chair-To, right after that Draping Ddt.

    2. I had no clue she was supposed to be the heel. Since I watch WWE, I'm familiar with all that wrestling lingo there.

    3. Only really watch for ASSuka, god I miss Attitude era.
