Friday, October 15, 2021

New game 2: Hifumi Takimoto

 One of the members of the game production company's character design team. She is especially shy to the point of avoiding talking to people or looking at them directly. So as not to make her feel uncomfortable the other employees interact with her through the company's computer messenger system. When she's communicating this way she is very lively and outgoing.

Has a pet hedgehog called Soujirou.


  1. Very nice find. This is an anime and not a video game, right? The title just makes it seem that way.

  2. God, why is Hifumi just so perfect in every way?

    1. >ywn have your socially cripple autismo dev gf teach you how to properly render your sprites beyond 32x32 pixels for your shitty attempt at RPG Maker or how to just barely utilize the Unity engine
      Life is pain.
