Monday, December 20, 2021

Inuyasha The Final Act: Kagome's Socked Feet (Episode 18)

This is Kagome in her socks after returning to the modern world from the Fedual era in order to study for her high school extrance exams. However, she is at a loss since her family is away on a trip leaving her home alone, the school is closed and her friends are unavailable. Then Inuyasha paid a visit to see her, advising her to stay at home until Naraku is defeated, and he believed her spiritual powers and abilities were sealed by Kikyo's final wish not to fight anymore. but she wants to keep her promise to Kikyo instead and to make the one correct wish that will make the sacred Shikon Jewel disappear from world of the living forever.


  1. Is nice to see a post focused on socks... for me at least....

  2. What's so magnificent about this?

  3. Replies
    1. Of course. But her bare feet are better obviously.

    2. It's always the bare feet for this blog, Dan.

  4. I liked anime girls in socked feet, especially Kagomes's. I really like this post of yours, Custom 958. I really wish there were more posts like this where it shows anime girls' socked feet.
