Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Custom's Picks: Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture

This is my first time I have ever done an post on an SNK fighting game, not because Terry is an DLC fighter in Smash Bros. Ultimate but because it is like Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie due to the fact, both films came out in 1994 (three weeks apart: FF July 16th and SF II August 6th), the 90s style and the fights themselves. Anyway, for Fatal Fury, it has an original story featuring characters from the first two mainline Fatal Fury games where the two brothers, Andy and Terry Bogard, along with Joe Higashi and Mai Shiranui, trying to help a young girl with psychic and healing powers named Sulia Gaudeamus to stop her ambitious brother Laocorn from finding the magical Armor of Mars in order to become an god but with the cost of his life.


  1. Replies
    1. You love the video game company and their games?


    3. Nice. But can you answer my question?

    4. >not knowing Mai's catchphrase
      Nigga, do you even KOF?

    5. I do know King of Fighters since I got XIV but I'm still an newcomer of the series.

    6. Played '97 back in my teens. Wasn't too keen on the 3D versions(or 3D fighters rather) but was pretty shocked they finally brought back Shermie.
      also Kula best girl

      Are You Okay?

  2. Mai has some really good shots here.
