Monday, March 7, 2022

The Future of Foot Fetishism

What do you think the future holds or predicts on foot fetishism like will it still be popular or niche 20 to 30 years from now? Or will it fade into obscurity?


  1. Replies
    1. I totally agree with you 100%. Regardless of what the future holds for this fetish we love, we'll look back at it and hopefully, we will say "I'm very proud to be a foot fetishist."

  2. IRL or in anime? sperglording, but if the current trends seen in art are indicative of real-life interest then foot fetishism only seems to be increasing. In the case of anime, you notice a lot of works involving Junichi Sato (also involved in some direction of Sailor Moon, Evangelion and Utena), especially during the late 90s and early 2000s, would noticeably place emphasis on the way feet were drawn, with perhaps Kaleido Star being the most distinguished in this regard. I recall reading some anecdotes on TMF many years ago about how most Japanese artists in the past would avoid drawing feet as much as possible, as they were notorious for drawing pretty "bad feet", citing examples like Kosuke Fujishima and some infamous CG cels, mainly since the talent pool was more limited or it just wasn't considered a popular trend for 'fanservice' yet. But it seems in the last 20 years, I'd say the talent pool for artists who specialize in drawing feet seems to be expanding more and more from looking at more recent shows. Focus on feet is certainly a lot stronger now than it was in the past, where you even have characters coming out admitting they're into feet.

    But foot fetishism, or any fetish, really isn't as much a 'preference' or something that just "goes away" as it is just really just a part of one's nature. But how would you even go about explaining something like that being able to increase or decrease in the first place, would probably be a more controversial question. I know there's all that "cross-wiring of the brain" shit, like crisscrossing the synapse impulse stimuli associated with the mind's walking imagery with genitalia, but what is even the cause of that, chemical imbalance? Personally, I always just attributed it to some spectrum of autism but even that's still very nebulous.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Agreed, one such work is Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku (which I hope gets featured here one day) is an example of this new, well, acceptance.

  3. It will always be popular, No Doubt.

    And Trony, if you're around the blog and see this, I wanted to ask you something.

  4. It won't die out any time soon. Say has any one finished elely yet?

  5. It will be niche,sadly. Because most artists (fan and official) are leaning towards T and A. and soon it will overtake Foot Fetish as the #1 fetish in the world. Need proof. Check out DA and other sites like Pixiv and you'll see what I mean.

    It's not only in art,but in fiction too. There's hardly Any fics with foot scenes in the big Fan fiction sites like and ArchiveOfOurOwn. T and A and Anal Are gonna be the Ultimate fetish in the future. and it sickens me.

    1. Well DA is... DA... and due to the DA "gaijin migration", a lot of prominent artists have been fleeing Pixiv for finer harbors like Twitter and Mastodon federations like Pawoo. But that's only because their new following has never been more exuberant than ever. Don't get me wrong, Twitter is really just shit too but for many other reasons, just in this rather unique case, a lot of Japanese have really been enjoying their much newfound attention. Hell, even Zun.

    2. Also be sure to check out loki, he follows pretty much every artist, is trying to use DeepL to communicate with English speakers and even does his own fanfiction(Japanese).
