Thursday, May 26, 2022

Invincible: Dupli-Kate

Also part of the Teen Team, Dupli-Kate’s powers aren’t from some science experiment or alien technology, but the result of an ancient curse turned into an advantage. She can create almost endless duplicates of herself, and as long as one of them remains alive at the end of a battle, so does she.


  1. You guys do realize there's an entire anime out right now that stars all ninja girls, and about half of them are barefoot, right?

    I mean, what is this shit?

    1. Why are you telling us that? Not that we don't know.

    2. They usually wait until shows finish their full run around these parts, give 'em a few weeks or so and you'll probably see it up.

    3. Oh, believe me, I'm eagerly waiting for them to post Kunoichi Tsubaki. It's gonna be barefoot loli overload!

    4. Come on now the cute ninja loli and her 12 co stars are not going anywhere. Your still going to see all 120 or so toes or even more and is not like their going to start wearing shoes in the last few episodes. Plus your lacking imagination clearly theirs not that much especially when is not best girl to begin with but is the fact you get actual copies of her. Imagine she knew what she was doing with her feet plus 5 or ten times more. You literally get triple the footjob triple the foot worship and anything else in between. The only problem is that she may ditch you for someone better.

  2. Dupli-Kate, I like that, I really do.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey! it's Disney Lover from 2023, just to warn you that Debbie Grayson and Atom Eve(also Polly) has some feet shots in Season 2 and the Atom Eve prequel episode.

  5. Hello GumballW, it's Disney Lover coming to you from 2024, just to tell you about the Invincible feet shots that I recommend to you. Invincible(Season 2): Debbie Grayson and Atom Eve. then later you should do Invincible(Atom Eve Special): Polly. Can you please make it happen before Season 2 returns in March?
