Monday, June 13, 2022

A Pair of Pretty Cure Questions

If you were into any Pretty Cure girls, who will it be? If not, what are the PreCure seasons like Fresh or Tropical-Rouge! got the best foot scenes?


  1. Who is the blue haired one?
    She's the cutest 😍

  2. >who will it be?
    There was some art on Pixiv of one of the girls I kinda liked, can't remember which show but I think her name was Yuko/Yoko something and she wore all yellow.
    >got the best foot scenes?
    Dunno. I am aware of this one artist however, Haruyama Kazunori, who would take various scenes from random anime, mostly Precure, and redraw from a more naughty, voyeuristic-like perspective, including close-ups of the feet. From what I've heard he's actually involved in some anime production and is rumored to have animated on episodes from Precure and GeGeGe no Kitarō.
