Friday, June 24, 2022

Disney Mirrorverse: Rapunzel & Elsa

Never thought I’d see Elsa barefoot again


  1. I hate how Disney always draws their females with such tiny feet. The only big female feet they have are he once from The Legend of Tarzan with Queen La, Naoh, and the other women from the Waziri tribe.

    1. Maybe smaller feet on Disney female characters like the Princesses are more drawn realistically and not too cartoonish than bigger ones.

    2. Well, Ariel has big feet too.

    3. I can't tell, she shouldn't have big feet due to how short they are after becoming human.

    4. >I hate how Disney always draws their females with such tiny feet
      Since Robert Iger's reign, they've all but bled out most their original talent and has just been ever so bloated after every high-risk acquisition after acquisition, of course only resulting in all the noticeably quantity over quality productions.

    5. Personally Benny, I think Rapunzel's were enormous.

    6. >Rapunzel
      Which would be nice to see that kind of quality again in more recent works because both animation and even writing-wise, the last decade or so it feels like they're barely even trying anymore. Over that span of time, you could literally count all their most critically-acclaimed/cult-hits on just one hand while everything else in-between was just flat-out unmemorable.
      For as murky as the Black Cauldron was, it at least enjoyed some kind of underground recognition, notably the waifu crowds.

  2. Like Disney, it's a dream come true.
