Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Ultraman (2019) (Season 2): Maya

She's an Wadoran princess who is living in another alien world after being exiled for her troubles which led her species facing total extinction and because of that, she decided to saw her own people from that tragic fate. She then worked with Pedant and the Blackstar in order to achieve her goal despite having no hatred on humans or the Earth itself and after realizing the Ultramen are no bad people, she willingly helped them to defeat Pedant but at a cost of her life once she freed the humans trapped by her boss. This is from Episodes 2 to 5.



  1. Replies
    1. I hated when cute female barefooters die in an series.

  2. If you all want I have set up an AI for Maaya so you can have fetish erps enjoy~
    Ps.shes a cute one lol
