Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Custom's Picks: Belle (2021)

After watching thie movie, it reminds me a lot on Summer Wars because the character design, the digital world and the fact, Mamoru Hosoda, is directing it. The story itself is like Beauty and the Beast where the main female protagonist, Suzu Naito, under the idol "Belle" met The Dragon (under the name The Beast) who was being hunted down by Justin for destorying the digital world of U during Belle's concerts. Suzu (Belle) tried to find out why The Dragon is always angry and it was because his real-life counterpart, Kei, along with his little brother, Tomo, being heavily abused by their father who depises them so it's up to Suzu and her friends to reach out to Kei and Tomo before Justin reveals The Dragon's idenity.


  1. I've always thought about this one. It looks intriguing.

    1. Does this movie remind you on Summer Wars?

    2. Of course, it's the same director after all. I'm just not sure if it's as good as Summer Wars.

    3. Well, to me, it's OK. It also gave me Beauty and the Beast vibes in an virtual world.
