Thursday, August 11, 2022

A Keio Flying Squadron Question

Does anyone remember playing this game called, "Keio Flying Squadron"? This picture speaks for itself for those who love huge feet on female characters in the game.


  1. Replies
    1. You described two of my weaknesses on female feet. Do you love big female feet?

    2. What makes them so good to play with?

    3. Their is enough space to tickle, rub and bite them all in the same time.

    4. Like they're just perfect for all of those things to do with them?

  2. fug... This was too rare a find when I was a kid.

    >4 fingers/toes

    1. When the Sega CD came out, never saw it for sale or rent in my area.

    2. I see. Never owned an Sega CD either.

    3. Oh, I had the Sega CD though (like 2 of em), just not this game in particular. Lunar: The Silver Star was by far my fav.

    4. OK. I didn't actually got into gaming until the N64, Sega Saturn and PS1 era.

    5. >N64, Sega Saturn and PS1 era
      Nice, apart from some shovelware, that was the golden age of gaming right there.
      I launched during the TurboGrafx, NES, Master System era.

    6. When did you started playing video games?

    7. Already said, the TurboGrafx, NES, Master System era.

    8. So the mid 1980s? OK. Do you think I jumped into video games at an wrong time?

    9. There's no wrong time (maybe besides the Atari crash, lel), and honestly, late 90s/early aughts, had some of the better games imo. Like Grandia, Skies of Arcadia, XenoGears, Soulhackers, Persona 2, Silhouette Mirage, Megaman Legends, Deus Ex, Perfect Dark, etc.

    10. I see. I missed the days when video games don't rely very heavily on DLC, microtransactions, patches or to be "always online". Do you?

    11. Ye, like, somehow video game companies got this bright idea in their heads to start transforming themselves into more of a 'service', no different from the likes of Verizon or Optimum, once they realized how exploitable people were for clout and brand loyalty. People who literally camp out in the freezing cold to be first in line until launch day, just to buy over-priced systems with only a hand full of badly rushed launch titles (-OH, but don't worry, there'll be plenty of patches you can put on your mom's credit later!).
      Which is why it's shit like this that I haven't bought a single game since 2016 and only makes piracy that much more inevitable, but of course I pirate. And now, just when you though PC games were safe, hows about those payed-for-mods, huh.

    12. Do you think that PC gaming is your way for playing video games for now on? What was the last game you brought?

    13. Last title I bought was the Persona 5 port for the PS3. Now all I ever play are PC games, been on this really long RPGmaker jag lately.

    14. OK. So home console and handheld gaming are over for you?

    15. ye, pretty much, better off spending my money on rice.

    16. For me, I never like PC gaming because of the requirements to play the game since some newer games are playable on recent OS like Windows 10 and others are fine with older PCs.

    17. That can be a pain in the ass yeah, well anything revolving around micro$hit windows is, but there are workarounds like toggling compatibility mode in properties or emulation for older PC games(DOSBox, VirtualBox can spoof old PC formats to trick older games into working).

    18. So what OS would fit the best on PC gaming in your opinion?

    19. Well actually that's really a lot more complex than it seems, though win7 or XP would be ideal (preferably XP) for their simplicity, older OSs likely couldn't house the resource wherewithal required for more high-end gaming like win8 or 10, as mush as I'd hate to admit. Because you'd be certain to have issues with newer versions of DirectX, .NET framework or C++ not being compatible with older systems if they're integrated into the latest game builds.

    20. I see. I wouldn't get too deep into those specs.

    21. It sucks, especially since most graphics cards and processors also dropped support for older OSs. Gaming Linux aren't quite optimized to handle the big shit AAA games compared to 10 either. But if you can build or get your hands on a decent gaming rig, pros still out weigh the cons when dealing with console shenanigans.

    22. I know, I hated when you're being forced to upgrade your OS in order to play the recent video games.

    23. Welp, I just get my shit off DoujinStyle (RIP Doujin Gravity), Skidrowreloaded or Igg-games and hope the odds are in my favor, lot of Japanese PC games are versatile across many systems. Record of Lodoss War-Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth-, Abaddon: Princess Of The Decay, Astebreed, Melty Blood, Koumajou Densetsu, etc.

    24. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on PC gaming.

    25. Also, Abaddon: Princess Of The Decay may or may not have a few decent bits in it, eh heh heh...

  3. Um I did this one already 😅
