Thursday, September 15, 2022

Edens Zero Pocket Galaxy: Rebecca Bluegarden

 I love games that have customization. Barefoot customization to be exact. And Pocket Galaxy is no exception. Rebecca can be barefoot in the games and cutscenes. Check it out!


  1. Glad to see her go barefoot all the time. Are they any good opportunities to see the bottoms of her feet?

  2. Hardly surprising, I mean her main power requires her to be barefoot.

    1. Do you think anyone can post this girl more in the future?

    2. Very much so, literally every fight she's in in the manga involves her being barefoot.

  3. >game for barefoot-centric series provides barefoot-centric custom play
    Sure didn't see that coming.
    >it's mobage
    Because of course, now if there are any half-decent android emulators without backdoors.

  4. It's nice to see more uploads from games though, I think there's actually a lot of stuff in them that easily gets overlooked.
    It may not be much but maybe you might be interested in checking out this bit from The Caligula Effect: Overdose.

  5. In the last Tomb Raider you can put sandals on Lara Croft. You should make a post about that too. She has feet worth admiring

  6. Awesome Find. Thank you for posting her Richfeet!!
